Anthropization and land uses affecting the distribution and abundance of Cathartes aura in Ciego de Ávila, Cuba
Raptors are highly habitats selective. However, Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) have adaptations that allow them to occupy different habitats, with action areas of ~1,300 km2. The population establishments of Turkey Vultures, far from adjusting to random processes, depend on the availability of trophic resources in the different mosaics of the landscape. The “Gran Humedal del Norte de Ciego de Ávila” (GHNCA) in Cuba is one of the most important RAMSAR sites at continental level, constantly affected by anthropic activities. Our objective was to environmentally characterize the different land uses applying spectral reflectance indices, and determine their relationship with the relative abundance and spatial distribution of Turkey Vulture within the GHNCA. The patterns of abundance and spatial distribution of Turkey Vulture were different between and within each zone considered: abundance data showed different associations against established land uses, suggesting habitat selection. Our results show a strong association of Turkey Vulture populations with habitats degraded by anthropic action within the GHNCA. Despite the important ecological role of the species, future anthropic interventions could exponentially increase the populations of Turkey Vulture, with unpredictable consequences at different spatial and temporal scales within the region.
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